After the first plastic toys had been examined, sorted, cleaned and grinded in the Netherlands, Ecobirdy traveled to Italy where all their collection is produced. Finally they could start testing the look for their first collection.
From the very beginning of the project Ecobirdy had an idea of how their pieces should look like. They had a speckled look on their minds. They liked the idea of making it visible that their pieces are made out of recycled material. Kids should be able to recognize the little elements – called magic flakes – of their old toys in their new furniture. This was essential as their furniture is aimed to raise awareness for sustainability and inspire kids to contribute to a more sustainable future. It was a big challenge to find the right balance of different flake sizes. Not only. Also the composition and number of different colors, making up a harmonic look, was not easy to find. They use innovative technologies for plastic recycling. This makes it possible to create colorful pieces without adding any pigments or resins. Therefore the color sorting during the recycling process is essential. After one week of non-stop experimenting Ecobirdy had finally found the perfect balance of the magic flakes – their very own and unique speckled look – for their first collection of kids furniture.
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