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The Innovative Light Printing System was developed to generate repeat-free patterns on fabric. The light serves as a drawing tool. A variability in designs is possible by controlling the speed of action and radiation intensity. The high recognition value lies in the multitude of shades of blue which are possible with this process.

Scientists and artists used electromagnetic waves for documentation purposes and developed one of the first photographic printing methods: Cyanotype. The inventor Madeleine Marquardt brings the ancient art together with new technology and opens up new possibilities for modern textile design.

For her project “Printing with Light“, the designer, like her role models, was inspired by nature: In her installation, vibrations meet water and move sediments into unique patterns, leaving blue traces on light-reactive papers and fabrics. Marquardt translated these photochemical processes into the modern world for the Innovative Light Printing System (ILPS).
No stencils, no ink: patterns and shapes are printed on textiles using the latest UV laser technology. The results show structures in blue that are remotely reminiscent of batik. Corrections to the design can be made immediately in the digital pattern without interrupting the design process. This makes the process the perfect solution for rapid prototyping and innovative creation processes. And all it needs is light.