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The first test of how to incorporate bark manufacturing techniques into design applications is the woven bark jacket. It also looks on ways to use crafts to overcome bark’s mechanical flaws.
For the jacket, the weaving method was employed to alleviate problems with stitching and cutting, as well as to gain additional flexibility. It’s made of pine bark weaved together. A hand weaving chair was used to create the bark textile. It’s woven in a twill weave pattern. Twill weaving employs a diagonal parallel line pattern. It is one of the three basic styles of textile weaving, along with plain weave and satin. The weft thread is passed over one or more warp threads and then under two or more warp threads to create the distinctive diagonal pattern. Twill is commonly used in denim and upholstery fabrics because it is more durable, flexible, and has greater wrinkle recovery.
Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten, a fashion designer, collaborated on the weave. The woven bark jacket is more flexible and comfortable to wear than the previous. It retains the leathery sensation of releasing stiffness. It’s reasonable to infer that the textile becomes more flexible as the bark strips become finer and smaller.
The bark jacket is a one-of-a-kind example created from bendable pine bark. A suit jacket was created in collaboration with fashion designer Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten. The bark jacket is a research project to better understand design and scientific issues. It also highlights the basic material qualities that must be taken into account during manufacture.
Bark can be sewn in the same way as leather can be, although seams in the longitudinal fiber direction will separate the material. Bark and leather both have a similar tactile and flexibility. Bark is substantially stiffer than leather, depending on the interior structure. Something that had to be considered during the design process, forcing me to overthink the jacket’s construction. Unfortunately, it is not as comfortable to wear compare to leather where flexibility is lacking.